Payroll Outsourcing Simplified

Payroll Advice

There's a lot to know about payroll and this is where you can get all your questions answered by Australia's payroll outsourcing experts.


Modern Payroll in Professional Services: The Technology Revolution

January 23, 2024

In the dynamic realm of professional services, where precision, scalability, and compliance are paramount, the evolution of modern payroll management is a critical facet of operational efficiency. Traditional payroll practices have given way to a transformative era, thanks to the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML).  This article explores the pioneering advancements …


Payroll Data Security: 10-Step Guide to Best Practice

December 19, 2023

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, organisations are increasingly turning to outsourcing and payroll data security to streamline operations and enhance efficiency. One critical function that many businesses choose to outsource is management in payroll. Outsourcing payroll can bring about numerous benefits, such as cost savings, time efficiency, and improved accuracy. However, with the …


The Evolution of Payroll: From Manual to Automated Processes

November 21, 2023

In the dynamic landscape of business operations, the evolution of payroll processes has played a pivotal role in enhancing efficiency, accuracy, and overall organisational productivity. As businesses strive to stay ahead in the competitive market, the shift from manual to automated payroll processes has become imperative. Call us today on 1300 927 367, book a …


Navigating Cross-Border Payroll: The Challenges and Solutions

October 31, 2023

In the globalised business landscape of today, many organisations are expanding their horizons across geographical borders. While this expansion brings numerous opportunities, it also introduces a unique set of challenges, particularly when it comes to payroll management. Handling payroll management across borders, with varying regulations, currencies, and tax laws, can be a daunting task. Best …


Using Technology to Prevent Payroll Fraud & Safeguard Your Business

September 27, 2023

In the contemporary landscape of payroll management, organisations in Australia continuously seek innovative solutions to streamline their operations, reduce costs, and mitigate risks. Among the challenges they face, the prevention of payroll fraud stands out due to its potentially severe financial and reputational consequences.  In this article, we will delve into the critical role technology …


Implementing Effective Payroll Internal Controls for Payroll Security in 2023

August 29, 2023

Securing payroll processes and establishing effective payroll internal controls stands as a paramount concern for organisations in Australia. Companies recognise that meticulous payroll management isn’t solely about financial accuracy; it’s about cultivating trust among employees and stakeholders alike. This article delves into the significance of implementing robust payroll internal controls to bolster payroll security. It …


5 Factors To Consider For Payroll Fraud Prevention

July 25, 2023

Running a business is a challenging endeavour that demands constant attention to a wide variety of responsibilities. Payroll fraud prevention is one area that requires the utmost vigilance amidst the myriad of business obligations. As an experienced business owner, you are already aware of the potential havoc that payroll fraud can have on your company’s …


Is HR Responsible For Payroll?

April 23, 2023

Many challenges face businesses of all sizes when it comes to payroll, one of which is understanding which department should handle […]


Why Do Companies Pay Fortnightly?

January 20, 2023

Payday doesn’t come around without some excitement, but how often these days occur will depend on your employer and/or industry. While many have their […]


Payroll Tips For Small Business

September 26, 2022

Running a business of any kind will always come with competing priorities and challenges, however, professionals working for small businesses can often take on more than their capacity. Small business payroll can be an important duty managed by already-stretched business owners or management, rather than using an outsourced payroll provider that can consistently deliver on-time …


What’s The Difference Between a Bookkeeper, Accountant and Payroll Professional?

August 18, 2022

If you are a business owner who is not working deep in detail, but rather managing the financial function […]


Small Business Payroll Checklist: An Essential Guide

July 25, 2022

Small businesses are often made up of professionals who wear a lot of hats in the business, working together […]


6 Things To Consider When Choosing A Payroll System

June 28, 2022

The finance function of any business is always a weighty discussion to have, especially when considering payroll services […]


Outsourced Payroll: Questions To Ask Your Provider

May 27, 2022

Many businesses arrive at the strategic decision to outsource payroll, with several benefits to be gained by this professional arrangement […]


Cloud Payroll: What Is It And How Can It Help Your Business

April 22, 2022

The introduction of cloud-based services created initial unease for business owners. After all, are we not placing sensitive data out into the cloud […]


The Australian Business Owner’s Guide To Ex Gratia Payments

March 25, 2022

Among the modern features of payroll services are benefits and payments that new employers and employees may not be aware about. […]


6 Signs It’s Time To Overhaul Your Payroll System In 2022

January 31, 2022

Payroll is a pivotal function in every business, helping to ensure accurate accounting and liabilities are managed appropriately. Not all payroll […]


How Not-for-Profits Can Trim The Fat Off Of Payroll Expenses

January 19, 2022

Every dollar counts for charity and philanthropic organisations that run under a not-for-profit model. This includes payroll and there is little […]


When Payroll Goes Wrong: Mistakes And Consequences To Avoid

November 5, 2021

Payroll’s primary task is to make sure that all employees are paid correctly and that deductions are remitted in a timely manner to the appropriate […]


How To Manage Salary Sacrifice For Employees

October 25, 2021

Salary sacrifice is rising in popularity in Australia as workers use this scheme to access more of their wages and pay less in tax – legally. Salary sacrifice […]


Payroll Metrics: The most important data to include in reporting

September 8, 2021

Calculating your actual payroll costs is a time consuming and complex process, which most small businesses don’t have the resources […]


Time and Attendance Tracking Solutions For Remote Workforces

August 19, 2021

Time tracking is an essential part of any business. It’s not only important for payroll, but it also helps with scheduling, and project management […]


What is payroll tax in Australia?

June 21, 2021

A common question asked by new businesses building a workforce is what payroll tax they can expect to pay in Australia. Payroll tax in Australia […]


Ex Gratia Payments in Australia – FAQs

May 24, 2021

i3Group is a well regarded payroll provider, working with businesses to establish and execute compliant payroll systems. While most […]


Switching Payroll: How To Change Payroll Providers

April 22, 2021

An efficient business is one that is always reviewing processes and adopting the best providers who can facilitate the best results. […]


Is your workers compensation subject to payroll tax?

March 19, 2021

Employers have a legal responsibility to uphold a safe working environment for every employee. Although, what happens in the unlikely […]


What Are My Legal & Payroll Responsibilities to My Casual Staff?

March 19, 2021

Casual employees make up a crucial part of the workforce. Whether it’s supporting businesses through seasonal demand, relieving […]


My Payroll Employee Has Resigned – What Are My Options?

January 22, 2021

A resignation from any employee will result in a period of change until that employee is replaced or the responsibilities are distributed among the remaining team. […]


Trust or Tracking? How to Introduce Time & Attendance Tracking to A Close-Knit Workforce

December 27, 2020

Most workplaces have naturally established a rhythm when it comes to the hours worked by employees, with arrival times and overtime loosely tracked […]


Tax-Free Entitlements Through Novated Leasing

November 30, 2020

A novated lease is a form of salary sacrificing that allows an employee to finance a car with fortnightly or monthly payment instalments.


From Boosting Your Superannuation to Salary Sacrificing for a Car: A Guide to Salary Sacrificing

October 30, 2020

Salary sacrificing is a great way for employers to offer benefits to their employees in a tax-efficient manner. In essence, you buy benefits in pre-tax dollars so if the tax rate is 32.5%, you get 32.5% better buying power.


How to Navigate Payroll for Remote Teams

October 5, 2020

Payroll remains a constant in any business environment, regardless of the market condition or environmental factors that might be impacting other parts of the business. […]


An Employer’s Guide to New Jobkeeper Extension Requirements

September 30, 2020

As eligible employers transition to JobKeeper 2.0, the ATO has advised important key dates that must be adhered to.


September 2020: New Payment Rates For JobKeeper Scheme Explained

August 30, 2020

JOBKEEPER EXTENSION The Federal Government recently announced an extension of the JobKeeper wage subsidy until 28 March 2021.


What Do JobKeeper Payments Mean for Your Business?

August 27, 2020

What does jobkeeper mean for your business. Read here to review the basic terms of JobKeeper and the lesser-known considerations that might apply to your business. […]


HECS and HELP Debt Withholding

July 31, 2020

Many employers don’t spend too much time considering the HECS and HELP commitments of their employees. Read more about HECS and HELP Debt Withholding here […]


5 Questions Business Owners Need To Ask Their Accountant

March 10, 2020

Unless you are operating in the financial sector, it can be hard to know how your financial processes and procedures stack up, with your accountant […]


A Guide To Pay Deductions and Overpayments

January 30, 2020

Pay deductions and overpayments might seem like an unfortunate occurrence to an under resources payroll function, but they don’t have to be with […]


How to Audit Your Own Company’s Bookkeeping

January 6, 2020

If you are part of a finance function, then you have likely been involved in the preparation of an audit, and can appreciate the rigour needed […]


The Pros and Cons of Hiring Temporary Staff In Your Business

January 2, 2020

There is a misguided assumption that ‘temporary’ equates to inferior, and when it comes to staffing, there couldn’t be more to the story. […]


4 Tips For Smooth Time & Attendance Implementation

December 3, 2019

If you are considering or are soon to start implementing this system, use these four-time and attendance tips for a smooth transition. […]


Time = Money: Importance Of Time & Attendance To Your Business

December 3, 2019

Time and attendance tracking assist businesses greatly by allowing them to make more informed decisions about ideal staffing mixes for the future. […]


Pay Transparency Tips: What You Need To Know About Pay Transparency

November 1, 2019

Pay transparency is the best way to ensure your business operates smoothly. Read our blog to learn what you need to know about pay transparency. […]


Payroll Contingency Plan: How To Survive A Payroll Disaster

November 1, 2019

Payroll disasters can really derail the direction and productivity of a business if not correctly managed. Learn how to survive a payroll disaster in this blog […]


4 Types Of Payroll Systems That You Should Know

October 2, 2019

You would be forgiven for thinking there is only one way of conducting payroll within your business, as workplaces have a bad habit of sticking to processes […]


7 Simple Payroll Best Practices For Growing Teams

October 2, 2019

When it comes to payroll best practices, there are a lot of obvious dos and don’ts that you want to make sure you are adhering to or make sure to avoid […]


How Do Biometric Time & Attendance Systems Work?

August 28, 2019

In this article, we explore how biometric time and attendance systems work and how they can benefit your business by integrating your payroll with this system […]


When Do I Need To Pay Superannuation For Employees?

August 28, 2019

The concept of superannuation is one that has mystified employees and employers. Check out our guide to superannuation and when you need to pay. […]


10 Key Questions To Ask When Implementing A New Payroll System

July 30, 2019

The plunge to implementing new processes can be daunting but advanced systems increase profitability. Take a look at key questions to ask with payroll systems. […]


How To Outsource Payroll (+ The Benefits And Why You Should)!

July 17, 2019

Although a no brainer, taking the plunge into outsourcing payroll can be difficult so continue reading for top tips on how to outsource payroll and the benefits. […]


How Does Payroll Outsourcing Work For Your Business?

June 27, 2019

With more businesses migrating to an outsourced payroll solution, it’s natural that you discuss and question the feasibility within your own business. […]


HR System Benefits: Why Your Business Should Use HRMS

June 12, 2019

Allowing your HR team to spend more time developing your people is always a challenge but HR systems can relieve some of burden of additional paperwork. […]


How To Prepare For Single Touch Payroll?

May 24, 2019

Regardless of what payroll system you have in place, if you are still in the process of preparing for single touch payroll, you can make the transition smoothly by taking action now. […]


Why Outsource Payroll? 8 Business Reasons To Consider

May 22, 2019

Outsourcing payroll can save your businesses a huge amount of time and money, which you can reinvest into other areas of your operations. […]


Time to Outsource Payroll? – Signs Your Financial Structure Needs a Refresh

February 27, 2019

Every business is guilty of experiencing Groundhog Day at one point or another. We tend to accept the good with the bad, feeling regimented into the financial […]


5 Reasons You Should Consider Switching Payroll Outsourcing Services

February 25, 2019

The moment you cease to introduce innovation to your business is when you’ll see a drop in team engagement and productive output. Your financial […]


Components Of Human Resource Management Systems (HRMS)

January 24, 2019

Human Resources is more of a vocation than it is a profession. With tasks ranging from the mundane to the critical and sensitive, there is untold scope [..]


How Much Notice To Give Employer When Resigning?

January 22, 2019

The decision to resign from your post is one that takes a lot of consideration. It furthers in complication when there are mixed sources citing varying leave terms [..]


What Is Payroll Tax? A Clear Explanation For Employers

December 20, 2018

Tax should be a concept well understood by all employers, especially when it pertains to payroll. Failure to understand payroll tax and its implications [..]


Payroll Outsourcing Benefits: The True Benefits For Your Business

December 19, 2018

One of the major factors that make a business successful is the optimum use of time and resources. It’s prudent to conduct a thorough analysis of all business [..]